Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Physics Of Atomic Structure - 963 Words
Lesson 1 1. Increasing current funding for atomic structure would be a fantastic idea which could lead to discoveries beyond our imagination. For instance, in the quantum mechanical model, the fact that it is unable to tell the exact location and speed of the electron and cannot describe the electron as a particle orbiting a fixed path around the nucleus provides evidential support that funding must be placed into this to further our knowledge. This research could potentially result in terminating the use of probability mathematical equations and replacing them with facts. By just looking at the many revised versions of the atomic structure, we are able to see that there is potential in knowing more which could lead to even moreâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Many wait weeks or even months to receive an MRI, thus, making it very difficult to believe that funding needs to go to more research rather than providing more MRI machines to be used. 2. There is a difference in energy between the two lines because the electrons move from higher to lower orbitals. The line within the visible spectrum is an electron that is moving from a 5th orbital to a 2nd and the line within the Ultraviolet area is an electron moving from a 6th orbital to a 2nd, thus meaning that the line within the visible spectrum gives off less energy when releasing light whereas the ultraviolet spectrum gives off more energy. 3. a) b) After reviewing the diagram, you can conclude that the Zr4+ ion exists because in order for the Zr atom to become stable, it gets rid of 4 electrons from the 4d and 5s orbitals. c) The Zr4+ ion is more stable because it outer shell (valance shell) is complete following the octet rule. When this occurs, the atom is less likely to react because it is most stable. Comparing it to the Zr atom, the Zr atom does not have a filled valence shell. Lesson 2 4. NH3 5. a) HCN b) SOC3 -2 S = 6 O = 6 O = 6 O = 6 6 +18 +2 = 26 6. a) NH3 Hybrid orbitals b) HN3 sp3 = sigma bonds (4 bonding) c) Nitrogen has 5 electrons with 4 orbitals and 1 lone pair. The bond is different because Nitrogen has one lone pair and the lone pair results in a more negative pull
Monday, December 16, 2019
Helen Keller Free Essays
Helen Keller Free Essays The Minds Eye As humans we become thankful for what we have after having to go without. We do not become thankful for the light until we have had to walk through the dark tunnel. In ââ¬Å"Three Days to Seeâ⬠by Helen Keller the author in a descriptive manner goes through three days vividly explaining the sights she wanted to see and explore had she gained her vision for the allotted time. We will write a custom essay sample on Helen Keller or any similar topic only for you Order Now ââ¬Å"Helen Keller was born in sweet home Alabama in 1880. In the small town of Tuscumbia at nineteen months old Helen fell very sickâ⬠(Keller 210) . Though the sickness that ailed her had passed rather quickly, it left her permanently blind. I feel as if Helen Keller overcame the most adversity because she was put at a disadvantage from the beginning. Helen had to overcome her disabilities as well as being the woman that she was in a male dominant society. Helen Keller succeeding in conquering the obstacles set before her by graduating college, learning to read and write via braille, and having such an impact on society in more ways than not. Since her infant years helen keller was basically blind. When i think about jamming my finger and the difficulties of not using it, it is is then when i come to realize the value of my finger. On a larger scale i cannot begin to fathom being blind and it not going away. In ââ¬Å"Three Days to seeâ⬠Helen goes on to talk about what seems to be the smaller simple things to the able man and how he takes for granted the abilities he posses. ââ¬Å"Only the deaf appreciate hearing, only the blind realize the manifold blessings that lie in sightâ⬠(Keller 212). Helen thinks or wishes each man would do well to be stricken blind and deaf for a few days in his/her early adulthood. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of soundâ⬠(Keller 212). Ultimately this is true. Ms. Keller with her friends would test them to see what they had saw walking through the woods. Her friends would often say ââ¬Å"nothing in particularâ⬠. In this instance Helen realizes the lack of concentration and ad miration people had for the faculties they possessed. The influential Helen Keller would become accustomed to the responses and lack of appreciation for sight. Coping with her disability Helen becomes one of the most prudent women in society. Her imprint is still visible today from literature, womans rights, and she serves as a great role model as well as an inspiration for individuals that have similar physical limitations. Subsequently, with the persistence and dedication of Helen, she gained the interest and was taken under Anne Sullivans wing who was also vision impaired. ââ¬Å"Sullivan moved into Kellers home in 1887 to work with herâ⬠(Keller 210). I believe it could have been easier for Helen just to be content with being disabled but her mother and her sought out help to better her. Sullivan who graduated from the Perkins institute for the blind, aided Helen in her journey and gave her the foundation and the needed knowledge to graduate from Radcliffe College. Instead of letting her disabilities cripple her mentally and emotionally Helen went on to achieve many great things. ââ¬Å"The first blind and deaf person to do soâ⬠(Keller 210). ââ¬Å"she became a renowned speaker and author, advocating for disability rights, suffrage, and pacifismâ⬠( Keller 210). i think she had a vision that only she could see with her minds eye. er disability with her sight actually strengthened her imagination and ability to think on a higher level. Helen in many aspects was the precedent or the first to do a slew of what she accomplished in her time. In addition to her education Ms. Keller had a vast imagination in a world where those with her disabilities were supposed to fail. Assistance was never provided to Helen. Without her imagination i truly believe her ambitions would have been limited. Realistically, she succeeded in a world where man was dominate, and it was thought women could not achieve or do the same things as men. She published articles, as well as twelve books, including her autobiography, The Story of My Life (1903), and The World I Live In (1908)â⬠(Keller 210). She had to overcome the adversity of men and her abilities in a time frame when a womans rights and her abilities were not looked at equally. In efforts to laud Helen Keller, i believe overcoming being blind and deaf, and being a woman in a ââ¬Å"mans worldâ⬠is a much greater feat than any other. She overcame adversity with her imagination and education. I deeply think that in three days to see, she would conquer the world. How to cite Helen Keller, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Crime and Rival Gang Member free essay sample
The Outsiders tells a story about two kids named Johnny and Ponyboy who are in a gang called the Greasers. They live in a wrong doing world of gangs and fights. After Johnny protects Ponyboy by killing a rival gang member named Bob, the two boys run away. A young criminal named Dally helps them escape. After an incident with a burning church Johnny dies and Dally dies soon after because of the sorrow Johnnyââ¬â¢s death caused him. In the novel The Outsiders, S. E Hinton demonstrates that violence can lead to nothing more than emotional hardships, crime, and death. The smallest act of crime can often lead to inner adversity. For instance, Johnnyââ¬â¢s parents would beat him and left him feeling safer in a gang or in a parking lot. Due to the parents hurting Johnny he was forced to live a life in a gang, a life of crime, and violence. We will write a custom essay sample on Crime and Rival Gang Member or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Johnny felt as if no cared and that even if he lived in a gang his parents wouldnââ¬â¢t do anything. Another example is when Darry hits Ponyboy for being late home and Ponyboy runs away. Darry ââ¬Å"wheeled around and slapped (Ponyboy) so hard that it knocked (him) against the door,â⬠that causes emotional tension that gets in the way of family. A small act of violence makes Ponyboy dash away from their home and create division between the two brothers. The final example is when Johnny dies and Ponyboy gets traumatized. The death of Johnny made Ponyboy so confused that he altered and denied reality. Ponyboy was significant on Ponyboy he wasnââ¬â¢t in the right mind for a while. Crime is frequently the result of an act of violence. The felony of Bob trying to kill Pony boy left Johnny having to kill him. ââ¬ËThey put you in the electric chair for killing people,ââ¬â¢ and it is only because violence was committed. The crime of Bob trying to kill Ponyboy resulted in his death. The gangs fought and did many illegal things that made them always on the look out for cops. Just because people may not like each other doesnââ¬â¢t mean crime need s to be committed. Most of the time crime is involved people get hurt. Lastly Dally robbed a grocery store and the cops ended up firing their weapons at him. When a misdeed happens it is either caused by violence or started with violence whether itââ¬â¢s the police or a gang. The felony Dally committed soon after cost him his life. One of the most cruel and harsh effects of felony is the consequence of death. One example is that Johnny gets beaten up by Socs and the next time they try and harm him he kills Bob. The fear that the Socs would hurt him resorted to Johnny killing Bob. A kid with a pocketknife who is scared to get hurt can lead to a devastation effect. Secondly is when Johnny dies in the fire. The murder of Bob made Johnny run away and directed him into feeling like he had to risk his life to save the kids in the church. Because Johnny was guilty with murder it sadly lead to his death. In the end of it all he died because of his act of violence to Bob. Lastly the message repeats itself when Dally dies out of sorrow of Johnnyââ¬â¢s death. The death of one made Dally kill himself by pulling a gun on the cops. Johnnyââ¬â¢s death was the cause and end of Dallyââ¬â¢s. Violence is an action that can only end in pain and misery. Violence in todayââ¬â¢s society would lead to the collapse of a civilized world. As the world advances with protection and security, less hostility will be shown and the world will become a better place for future generations. With all the progress in technology we shall never expel violence itself. Although violence wonââ¬â¢t be destroyed, it is up to us to suppress or reduce death and acts of violence. The world needs to try and stop the terrible action from ever happening again.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Poem Comparison Essay Example
Poem Comparison Essay The Difference in Similarity Lady Lazarus, by Sylvia Plath and The Waking by Theodore Roethke are two poems that relate directly to the speaker. Although both poems share this similarity, the way in which both works or literature are constructed are vastly different. Plath uses visual imagery and poetical tercets to show the pain and suffering of the speaker in her poem, while Roethke uses the musical Villanelle and synesthesia to create his picture of the speakers inner thoughts and a sense of awakening. When reading the poem Lady Lazarus for the first time, the subject matter can be a little ifficult to comprehend. The title of this poem and the speaker share the same name, ultimately making connections to the poet herself. Lady Lazarus begins by telling the reader that she has done it again. Whatever it is; the reader does not know. She is a thirty-year-old who compares to herself to a Holocaust victim while also telling the reader that she has nine lives, much like a cat. The reader figures out that it is dying but, like a cat, the speaker keeps returning to life. We will write a custom essay sample on Poem Comparison specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Poem Comparison specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Poem Comparison specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Lady Lazarus tells the reader about the first two times that she almost died and how dying is an art. She describes eath as theatrical as shes possibly preforming her third death in front of a crowd at a circus. She again compares herself to a Holocaust victim as she imagines herself burning to death at concentration camp crematorium. At the end of the poem, she is resurrected for the third time and will eat men like air (line 84). In The Waking, much of the poem takes place inside the speakers mind. The speaker begins to contemplate his own opening awareness to who he is and what he can know. The poem briefly shifts from the speakers mind to the real world to notice some of the natural organisms that surround this going where I have to go. The speaker returns to his inner reckoning of greater power and fate. Imagery is an excellent way for a reader to read a poem through the five senses. It gives a more realistic feel to the work that is presented and can give better insight about the tonality of the work. Lady Lazarus uses imagery to describe her pain that is comparable to the pain that the Jews experienced during the Holocaust. Visual imagery is used in lines 4-5 when she says A sort of a walking miracle, my skin/Bright as a Nazi lampshade this use of simile refers to how some Nazis used the skin of the deceased Jews as ampshades. Another use of visual imagery is seen on lines 8-9, as Lady Lazarus says My face a featureless, fine/Jew linen. This metaphor relates Lady Lazarus to how the Nazis would raid the homes of the Jews and take all of their possessions, sometimes including linen. The comparisons of the speaker to things that Nazis had possession of during the Holocaust makes us think that the speaker may feel that she is possessed by the Nazis. The Waking uses a form of imagery called synesthesia. This is a mixing of sensory experiences to paint a picture of the hybrid world of sleeping and waking. One example of synesthesia is in line 2, where the speaker says: l feel my fate in what I cannot fear. What does fate actually feel like? Since it is not something that is classified as the common sense of feeling or touch, it may be used to describe a presence through an absence. I believe this to explain how someone can teel something without actually knowing what it may be, such as that feeling when you know someone is staring at you. Another use of synesthesia arrives when the speaker says: l hear my being dance from ear to ear (line 5). This line describes the sharp sensitivity of his hearing. His hearing is so acute that he can hear himself dance around his own body. It seems as though his senses are highly sensitive and are firing in several directions in his own mind. People hear themselves think, like myself, I think this is another excellent use of synesthesia because you arent hearing your thoughts literally but you still can hear them. Lady Lazarus is a poem that is made up of twenty-eight tercets. A tercet is a three-line stanza. These stanzas are mostly made up of short, choppy lines with a mix of enjambment and end stop lines that can been seen as an example in lines 22-24 when the speaker ays: [This] is Number Three. (end stop)/ What a Trash (enjambment)/To annihilate each decade. (end stop). When read aloud, the words move quickly and forcefully. It almost sounds like the speaker is spitting her words out to the reader in disgust. This could relate to her overall feelings of disgust throughout the poem. This poem also has use of perfect rhyme and slant rhyme. One instance of perfect rhyme happens in lines 83-84, where the words hair and air rhyme. An example of slant rhyme occurs in lines 71-72, where the words burn and concern sound rhythmical. Also, there is use n anaphora in l do it so it feels like hell (line 46) and I do it so it feels real (line 47). While these various kinds of repetitions of sounds occur all over the place in Lady Lazarus, they do not occur in a particular pattern. The rhymes have an off- kilter feel to them, and this allows the poem to be fast and free wheeling. The reader never knows when a rhyme or some other kind of repetition is going to happen next. I think it works to the feeling of the speaker very effectively because the speaker is in an erratic state of mind. The Waking is characterized as a Villanelle, which means n Italian word referring to a rustic song or dance. Villanelles have five tercets (three- line stanzas) and one quatrain (a four-line stanza), for a total of nineteen lines in all. The rhyme scheme of the tercets is ABA, where the letter refers to the end rhyme of each line, while the quatrain is ABAA. The A rhyme does change throughout the poem. Line 7, for example, ends with a shift in rhyme: you, which does have an O in the word, though it has a long U sound to it. The reader receives more of this type of rhyme in lines and 10 and 12 with how and slow. While the rhyme is generally redictable, it does shift as the poem develops. That seems fitting in a poem where the speaker is describing an awakening. The change in rhyme scheme refers to the shift in the speaker from sleeping to awakening. By line 7, the speaker has shifted from what is going on in his mind to God bless the Ground! I shall walk softly there, (line 8). The speaker is talking about the nature that surrounds him rather than what is going on in his mind. A form like th is has a musical tone to it rather than the choppy freewheeling Lady Lazarus poem. What is interesting about this is that it akes the poem somewhat repetitive, much like the average every day song and how we see the line going where I have to go repetitively. This Villanelle is, in a way, going where it needs to go in relation to how this type of poem is constructed. The Waking, in terms of meter, has each line written in strongly pronounced iambic pentameter. An iamb is a two-syllable pair in which the second syllable is emphasized. This makes the poem a little easier to read and it gives the impression that the speaker is singing the words to the reader as opposed to the spitting image hat Lady Lazarus brings. Sylvia Plath and Theodore Roethke use their own poetic styles to set the tone of the speakers in their poems. Plath uses visual imagery and short, choppy tercets to describe a woman who is so unhappy that she relates her despair to a Jewish person during the Holocaust. On the other hand, Roethke uses synesthesia and the musical form of a Villanelle to characterize the speakers awakening through his mind and the real world. Bibliography Baym, Nina, and Robert S. Levine. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. New York: W. W. Norton 2012. print.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Everything You Need to Know About Essay Formatting
Everything You Need to Know About Essay Formatting Essay format has nothing to do with theà actual content of the essay, it is how you organize and present it. Essay format gives the physical look of your essay as the eye scans the pages without reading the words. MLA Essay Format with Example APA Essay Format with Example Chicago Essay Format Why Is Formatting Important? It is estimated that essay formatting can account for at least ten percent of your overall grade. This can be the difference between getting an A or a D. Thus, paying close attention to your formatting is a relatively easy way to improve your grade. Since formatting is often done after all the research and writing is accomplished, many students are too tired to give formatting the proper attention. They may also be rushed for time since this is the last task they do. For these reasons, you may want to start your essay assignment early enough that you can do your formatting on a different day than you actually research and write your essay. You can also enlist professional services like ours to help you format your essay perfectly and perhaps proofread your final draft as well. is your one stop shop for all the writing services, from background research, to writing and formatting your paper. Ordering your essay at means you will get all the formatting job done for you at no cost. In addition, you will also receive a free bibliography page as well as an anti-plagiarism check. Order your custom paper today and we will start working on it immediately! What Formatting Styles Are There? Most common formatting styles are MLA, APA, Harvard Chicago. MLA is the most typical one, and if you are unsure how your essay should be formatted, use MLA as the default formatting style. The essay formatting rules depend only on the formatting standards, as prescribed by MLA, APA or Chicago style guides. Many styles erroneously think that academic (or complexity) level of your paper will influence the overall essay format. This is obviously a myth: if you need to write an MLA style essay, it will look same for high-school, college or university level. The Same statement is also true for APA Chicago formatting styles. What Are the Differences in Formatting Styles? Each formatting style sets its own requirements towards a number of things, including: Title pages Spacing between lines Paragraphs Page numbering Margins Font size Indentation Binding Proofreading etc. Every formatting style has its respective formatting guide that can be easily purchased as a soft copy or a hard copy. There is, however, a great deal of information on each of these styles that is available online. Here are some useful links: Numbering Pages and Paragraphs Always number every page of your essay in consecutive order. Put the number for each page in the upper right-hand corner half an inch from the top and flush with the right margin. It is a good practice to include your last name before each number in case the pages get jumbled up with other essays. An example would be: Smith, 2. Keep your numbers very simple. Do not put periods after page numbers and do not underline them. Do not put quotations marks around them. Do not use a fancy font or embellish them with graphics of any kind. Use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3) instead of Roman numerals (I, II, III). The Importance of Double Spacing and Leaving Wide Margins Part of the purpose in writing an essay in an academic environment is to obtain constructive feedback from your teacher or professor. This allows you to improve with each re-write and with each subsequent essay you write. In order to leave enough room for your teacher or professor to leave his or her comments, be sure to double space between each line of text. Be sure to also leave a one-inch wide margin on all sides of the paper. Spacing Between Words and Sentences Always leave a single space between each word in a sentence. You should also leave a single space after each comma, semicolon, and colon. Never leave a space in front of the punctuation at the end of a sentence. It is traditional to leave two spaces between sentences. However, it is has become increasingly acceptable to include only one space between sentences. If in doubt, ask your teacher or professor for his or her preference. Indentation of Paragraphs and Quotes Traditionally, the first line of a new paragraph was always indented. However, many teachers and professors now prefer that students start new paragraphs flush with the left margin of the paper. For this reason, if your instructor does not offer guidance on this when they give an essay assignment, you may want to ask them what they prefer. Whether you indent or not, be sure to be consistent throughout your entire essay. If you do indent paragraphs, it is traditional to indent seven spaces or half an inch from the left margin. For quotes, it is traditional to indent ten spaces, or a full inch from the left margin, to set them apart more distinctly than paragraphs. Spacing Between Paragraphs Since you are double spacing between lines, it is best to insert four spaces between paragraphs so the eye can more readily distinguish between paragraphs. How to Handle Titles in Your Essay Format There should be a formatting distinction made between longer full-length works and shorter works such. Longer works should be underlined. These include books and plays. Shorter works should be placed inside quotation marks. These include newspaper articles, magazine articles, book chapters, essays, and blog posts. When in doubt, use quotation marks or consult the MLA Handbook. The first letter of each word in a title should be capitalized with three exceptions. First, do not capitalize articles (a, an, the). Second, do not capitalize prepositions (on, of, in, over, under). Third, do not capitalize conjunctions (and, because, but). Never Write in All Capitalizations Capitalization should be used sparingly or it will tend to irritate the reader and detract from your overall points. Although you may be tempted to capitalize every letter in an important headline, resist this temptation and add your emphasis in the words you choose. Table of Contents Guidelines Essays are much shorter than books. Therefore, most do not require a table of contents. However, if your essay is lengthy, or your instructor suggests it, you may want to include one. For most essays, youll want to include the following sections in your table of contents: Introduction Body Conclusion You can also provide subsections for the body since this is the lengthiest part of your essay. Beside each section and subsection, include a page number, in a simple format, for easy reference. Example: CONTENTS Introduction 1 Body. Subtopic 1 3 Body. Subtopic 2 6 Conclusion ..14 15 How to End Your Essay Many students feel it necessary to embellish the end of their essay with a fancy graphic. This is not necessary and may even annoy your teacher or professor. Simply end your essay with the last period of your last sentence and leave it at that. Similarly, you do not need to write The End. Be Sure to Bind Your Essay You should always bind together all the sheets of paper in your essay because it is quite easy for loose sheets to become scrambled or even lost. If you use a stapler, be sure to staple the upper left corner so the page numbers on the upper right corner still show. The same is true if you use a paper clip. You may also want to take your essay to a business center and have the left edges bound. Summary Writing a good essay takes practice and patience. Dont be too hard on yourself if you dont get an A on your first few attempts. If you are not satisfied with your grades, schedule an appointment with your teacher or professor and politely ask them for suggestions on how you can improve. Be sure to ask them about essay format as well as the content of your writing. If you need more help, or you simply have limited time, contact us for professional help. We have a talented team of experienced writers who can help you with any aspect of your essay(s), including essay format. Our prices are so reasonable, they are affordable on almost any budget. Here is a general pricing plan for custom essay writing (prices are in US dollars, cost per page):
Friday, November 22, 2019
10 Types of Energy and Examples
10 Types of Energy and Examples Energy is defined as the ability to do work. Energy comes in various forms. Here are 10 common types of energy and examples of them. Mechanical Energy Mechanical energy is energy that results from movement or the location of an object. Mechanical energy is the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy. Examples: An object possessing mechanical energy has both kinetic and potential energy, although the energy of one of the forms may be equal to zero. A moving car has kinetic energy. If you move the car up a mountain, it has kinetic and potential energy. A book sitting on a table has potential energy. Thermal Energy Thermal energy or heat energy reflects the temperature difference between two systems. Example: A cup of hot coffee has thermal energy. You generate heat and have thermal energy with respect to your environment. Nuclear Energy Nuclear energy is energy resulting from changes in the atomic nuclei or from nuclear reactions. Example: Nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, and nuclear decay are examples of nuclear energy. An atomic detonation or power from a nuclear plant are specific examples of this type of energy. Chemical Energy Chemical energy results from chemical reactions between atoms or molecules. There are different types of chemical energy, such as electrochemical energy and chemiluminescence. Example: A good example of chemical energy is an electrochemical cell or battery. Electromagnetic Energy Electromagnetic energy (or radiant energy) is energy from light or electromagnetic waves. Example: Any form of light has electromagnetic energy, including parts of the spectrum we cant see. Radio, gamma rays, x-rays, microwaves, and ultraviolet light are some examples of electromagnetic energy. Sonic Energy Sonic energy is the energy of sound waves. Sound waves travel through the air or another medium. Example: A sonic boom, a song played on a stereo, your voice. Gravitational Energy Energy associated with gravity involves the attraction between two objects based on their mass. It can serve as a basis for mechanical energy, such as the potential energy of an object placed on a shelf or the kinetic energy of the Moon in orbit around the Earth. Example: Gravitational energy holds the atmosphere to the Earth. Kinetic Energy Kinetic energy is the energy of motion of a body. It ranges from 0 to a positive value. Example:Ã An example is a child swinging on a swing. No matter whether the swing is moving forward or backward, the value of the kinetic energy is never negative. Potential Energy Potential energy is the energy of an objects position. Example: When a child swinging on a swing reaches the top of the arc, she has maximum potential energy. When she is closest to the ground, her potential energy is at its minimum (0). Another example is throwing a ball into the air. At the highest point, the potential energy is greatest. As the ball rises or falls it has a combination of potential and kinetic energy. Ionization Energy Ionization energy is the form of energy that binds electrons to the nucleus of its atom, ion, or molecule. Example: The first ionization energy of an atom is the energy needed to remove one electron completely. The second ionization energy is energy to remove a second electron and is greater than that required to remove the first electron.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Present situation analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Present situation analysis - Assignment Example The demand for aged care services is driven by strength of health facilities in a country. It has been evaluated that by the year 2026, demand for aged care services is to go up by 12000 to 20000 citizens (Grant Thorton, 2010). This is triggered by the expected rise in population by 20% between 2006 and 2026 (Grant Thorton, 2010). It has been estimated that population above the age of 65 shall go up to 944000 from 512000, showing a rise of about 84% (Grant Thorton, 2010). Such massive increment in aged population shall require a commensurate rise on the supply side and it is estimated that by 2026, there shall be a requirement of about 78-110% in aged care services in New Zealand (Grant Thorton, 2010). In the present scenario, aged care services generate insufficient revenues to support the projected infrastructure demand. The financial returns have been highly subsidized and there is a huge demand for increasing the existing facilities to build new capacities and replace outdated stock. The paper is aimed at making a comprehensive analysis of the present situation and future scope of the aged care service sector in New Zealand. It makes a service profile analysis, an environmental study and a Budget analysis to present a view of the current situation of aged care division in the country. The future strategies and models of care are devised on the basis of such analysis of dismal situation of older population care in the country. New Zealand is in need of a large scale revolution in the aged care division. The sector was highly unregulated with presence of untrained workforce in the division. The aged population needs a plan for individualised care, instead of the residential care model that had been followed until presently. The demand for residential care has as a result gone down. The aim of aged care in New Zealand is to lower usage of institutionalised care and move forward to expand alternatives in development
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Poverty in The United States of America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Poverty in The United States of America - Essay Example The federal government of US has taken some major steps in order to address the problem of poverty. From its initial stages back in 2001, it has come up with many plans that include the progressive income tax, public assistance programmes and economic development programmes. (infoplease.com, 2007) The Progressive Income tax levies higher tax on people with higher income rates and vice versa. All citizens avail the same services. However the tax payable differs. The public assistance programmes extend medical facilities and services like food stamps and medical aid that allow the poor to meet their basic needs. Economic development programmes provide financial aid to help working women and unemployed to establish self employment schemes. These also assist small businesses that cannot face the financial deficit. Money is flooded into training programmes and steps have been taken to reduce the imbalance in income levels. The steps taken by the federal government to generate full employment are appreciable. In spite of all these measures by the government, the citizens are not happy about the way reforms are working and the steps taken by the government. ... The assistance by the government for families with income group below the dynamic threshold calculated. Every year is not doing any good. A better measure would be to keep it as low as 40000 US dollars. (Sawhill, 2006) Statistics show that about 1.7 million poor youth (futureofchildren.org, 2006) came out of school and work by 2005. The steps taken by the government to aid the youth by having self-employment programmes are weak. A major contribution to unemployment is the problem of the former prisoners. These do not find stable way to become a part of the society. The country with highest incarceration rate hardly took major decision to re-integrate the former prisoners as working labor. The concept of providing unemployment insurance is appreciable. However, this being forwarded to only 35% of unemployed is an unhealthy sign. (Sawhill, 2006) Fewer steps have been taken to reduce costs and improve the financial assistance. The budget proposal of 2007 also has been unjust. It demands the poor, children and elderly to pay for no returns. This approximately eliminates around 300000 people in poor working families from using food stamps and more than 35000 children would be losing the free meals and more than 40000 poor aged would be deprived on supplementary food distribution. (Kuroiwa, 2007) This also implies a reduction of around $600 million as grants for the poor and also pressing hard on the eligibility criteria for TANF scheme (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families). (Kuroiwa, 2007) All this indicate that the welfare reforms of US failed to work efficiently. More than 60% of citizens are not happy about the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
John Lewis Christmas Marketing Campaign Essay Example for Free
John Lewis Christmas Marketing Campaign Essay This yearââ¬â¢s advert, entitled ââ¬Å"The Journeyâ⬠, hopes to do as well if not better than its predecessor. The ? 6 million campaign created by Adam+EveDDB tells the story of a snowman who travels across rivers, mountains, roads and cities to get the perfect gift for the snowwoman who stands with him in the garden. * The advert couldââ¬â¢ve been seen on channel 4 just before Christmas and then it was easily accessible on internet(facebook, youtube, etc). John Lewis also was running a snowman hunt, with six snowmen figures hidden around stores. If customers find them all they could win a price, including a à £10,000 holiday, Sony laptop, spa days and gift hampers. John Lewis has also run social media activity including competitions to win a holiday to New Zealand, where the ad was filmed, and for a family to get their garden ââ¬Ësnowed upââ¬â¢ for Christmas day. John Lewis hopes to make a ââ¬Å"confident statementâ⬠in its Christmas marketing this year through its TV, press, outdoor and in-store activity as well as the Annual, a glossy print title that brings together its Editions magazine and Christmas catalogue into one publication for the first time. The Twitter campaign uses the hashtag #snowmanjourney to track its experiential campaign that is photographing the snowman in different towns around the country. John Lewis has also press released many articles regarding their Christmas advert, in store sales, and competitions. John Lewis PR department has also write a book that tells the story of the snowman and his journey which is also part of the high profile Christmas campaign, short afterwards the book became one of the most selling books for children. John Lewis has attributed a lift in its crafts offering to its Christmas ad campaign. Items on sale include a Knit Your Own Snowman. * The campaign was created to persuade more and more customers to come in the store and buy gifts for their loved ones during Christmas time. John Lewisââ¬â¢s advert also delivered strong Christmas, and warm feeling to the viewers so they are also creating the brand. They want to tell and insert John Lewisââ¬â¢s brand in many peopleââ¬â¢s life. Craig Inglis the Marketing Director at John Lewis said ââ¬Å"the campaigns are not just an investment in making people feel Christmassy, they have commercial effectiveness at eart. â⬠Adverts starring the character proved a big hit ââ¬â with more than three million views on YouTube. * The target market were people who had families, people who lad loved ones, relatives, and people who had someone one special in their lives, because Christmas it is all about spending time with the loved ones, giving them gifts and have a great time. Also they targeted at other organizationââ¬â¢ s customers for example MarksSpencer, Boots, etc. Also people who wanted to their bedrooms as they had big sales in their home department. Sales figures Sales for the retailer are up 7. 6% year on year for the week ending 17 November with a strong performance in electrical and home technology driving the growth with a 22. 2% jump in sales. In the five weeks over Christmas John Lewis recorded a 44. 3 per cent rise in its ââ¬ËClick and Collectââ¬â¢ service, which allows shoppers to buy products online and then collect them from one of the groupââ¬â¢s Waitrose supermarkets, compared with figures from 2011. Total web sales reached ? 684. 8 million in the five weeks to 29 December. Electrical and home technology sales were up by 30. 9 per cent on 2011 with tablets being the retailerââ¬â¢s star festive performer. Fashion and beauty sales rose 10. 4 per cent with home products increasing by 6. 2 per cent. In the last full week before Christmas John Lewis posted sales of ? 157. 8 million, a rise of 26. 5 per cent from last year. A record ? 31. 7 million was then taken on 27 December, the start of the retailerââ¬â¢s clearance sale. Conclusion Overall I think the Christmas campaign has been extremely successful. The reason why I am saying this is because comparing the sales figure from last year and this year they achieved a record this year by stepping over the ? 150 million revenue. Also looking at the promotional mix they have done pretty well again, as we have new products which are the snowman book and the snowman toys, sales offers in their stores at certain products. Their PR department did very well as they came with articles just before launching the advert letting people know when and where will they be able to see the advert. The personal selling was great as well as when going to the check out they would ask the customers if they found everything they need and also if they would be interested in buying the snowman book, etc. Direct marketing was great as well as there was a twitter account where you could fallow the snowmanââ¬â¢s adventure, and competitions on Facebook and in store. An improvement I would say it would be that maybe the customers where interested in more sales promotions and more direct marketing would convince customers to buy more products and come to John Lewis more often. Although the Advert did cost a huge amount of money that is nothing compared to the ? 157. 8 million revenue they made last year. Another reason why I think that the campaign was successful was that the advert they made has been voted as the yearââ¬â¢s most favourite TV advert. And finally the last reason why I am sure that the campaign was extremely successful was that none of the directors of John Lewis expected a record breaker sales figure.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Analysis of Samuel Adams and Boston Beer Company Essay -- beer industr
The Boston Beer Company and Samuel Adams have both had a long history. Since the 1870s, six generations of the Koch family have been involved with beer. In the early 1980s, the seventh generations almost turned his back on the family business. After graduating from graduate school, Jim Koch wanted to stray always for the family business and seek a career in management consulting. After a short time in the consulting business, Koch decided that he just could not ignore his destiny to create a new, different beer. In 1984, Koch was on the search for a ââ¬Å"better beerâ⬠. The only options at the time on the market were pale lagers from mass producers (Company), Koch decided there needed to be a change. In April 1985, Samuel Adams made in bar debut. At first, Koch and his partner, Rhonda Kallmen, were the only employees and were only producing 500 barrels a year. The company has now grown to 400 wholesalers, 200 sales representatives and 6 million barrels of beer produced each y ear. Because of the creativeness of Jim Koch the craft beer industry has been forever changed. Structure and Strategy Boston Beer Company has always structured themselves as a craft beer maker. Their strategy is to always strive to give their loyal customers a ââ¬Å"better beerâ⬠. Their idea of a better beer includes giving their customer a higher quality, a better and unique taste, and a sophisticated image. Along with the strategy to a better beer for the customer, Boston Beer and Samuel Adams also pay close attention to their operations strategy. Their operations strategy includes paying close attention to the brewing process from start to finish. The producers are involved in every step of the brewing process. They hand select all of the raw materials, they br... ... on top of the craft beer industry. Through their business strategy, structure, strengths, and adaptability, Samuel Adams is a company that will continue to grow and continue to provide their customer with a better beer. Works Cited Company, Boston Beer. Samuel Adams- Our Craft Beers. n.d. 6 Nov. 2015. . Polgar, by Richard. NYS Bottle Bill: Deposit & No Return. September 2011. 6 Nov. 2015. . Ruggles, M. 4 Main Ingredients in Beer and Why They are Important. 29 April 2011. 6 Nov. 2015. . SABMiller. Vers. ww.sabmiller.com. n.d. 8 Nov. 2015. Verive, John. Los Angeles Times: Food. 19 September 2013. 6 Nov. 2015. . Analysis of Samuel Adams and Boston Beer Company Essay -- beer industr The Boston Beer Company and Samuel Adams have both had a long history. Since the 1870s, six generations of the Koch family have been involved with beer. In the early 1980s, the seventh generations almost turned his back on the family business. After graduating from graduate school, Jim Koch wanted to stray always for the family business and seek a career in management consulting. After a short time in the consulting business, Koch decided that he just could not ignore his destiny to create a new, different beer. In 1984, Koch was on the search for a ââ¬Å"better beerâ⬠. The only options at the time on the market were pale lagers from mass producers (Company), Koch decided there needed to be a change. In April 1985, Samuel Adams made in bar debut. At first, Koch and his partner, Rhonda Kallmen, were the only employees and were only producing 500 barrels a year. The company has now grown to 400 wholesalers, 200 sales representatives and 6 million barrels of beer produced each y ear. Because of the creativeness of Jim Koch the craft beer industry has been forever changed. Structure and Strategy Boston Beer Company has always structured themselves as a craft beer maker. Their strategy is to always strive to give their loyal customers a ââ¬Å"better beerâ⬠. Their idea of a better beer includes giving their customer a higher quality, a better and unique taste, and a sophisticated image. Along with the strategy to a better beer for the customer, Boston Beer and Samuel Adams also pay close attention to their operations strategy. Their operations strategy includes paying close attention to the brewing process from start to finish. The producers are involved in every step of the brewing process. They hand select all of the raw materials, they br... ... on top of the craft beer industry. Through their business strategy, structure, strengths, and adaptability, Samuel Adams is a company that will continue to grow and continue to provide their customer with a better beer. Works Cited Company, Boston Beer. Samuel Adams- Our Craft Beers. n.d. 6 Nov. 2015. . Polgar, by Richard. NYS Bottle Bill: Deposit & No Return. September 2011. 6 Nov. 2015. . Ruggles, M. 4 Main Ingredients in Beer and Why They are Important. 29 April 2011. 6 Nov. 2015. . SABMiller. Vers. ww.sabmiller.com. n.d. 8 Nov. 2015. Verive, John. Los Angeles Times: Food. 19 September 2013. 6 Nov. 2015. .
Monday, November 11, 2019
An Argument of Existentialism in ââ¬ËThe Metamorphosisââ¬â¢ by Franz Kafka Essay
Argument: A personââ¬â¢s will to live is strongly linked to the opinions of loved ones have of that person. While some persons allow the will of their lives to become influenced to the opinions of their loved ones, others do not forget to factor the ideals of human existentialism. In order to appropriately approach the point brought across, one must factor in the underlying tone of the existentialist values of ââ¬ËThe Metamorphosisââ¬â¢ as written by Frank Kafka. Although many existentialist philosophers hold conflicting values across the board, there are many key traits that follow existentialism. Therefore, I am inclined to, due to my level of understanding remain impartial towards both sides of the argued statement. Humans, as sentient beings, have free will and are responsible for the effects of what they decide to do. Existentialism also rejects the concept of ââ¬Ëhuman natureââ¬â¢, a generalization that has become popular in attempting to identify objective external truths rather than the subjective for the individual approach. Thirdly, I say this because existentialism shows the indifference of the world towards us. Firstly, we all possess free will as independent entities apart from our society. As Gregor is dehumanized by his transformation, his family quickly deserts and rejects him of his former place in the household. The transformation can be seen as dehumanization as Gregor loses his human aspects to his self-sacrificial working ethic due to his familyââ¬â¢s wages. One must make the balance between himself and society. When Gregor chooses work over himself, he quickly loses his humanity, hence, the transformation. Although being alienated from his family through his dehumanization causes him to ultimately lose his will for life, Gregor is yet a prime example of how free will creates a ââ¬Ëcause and effectââ¬â¢ ripple due to the individual which is not influenced by anotherââ¬â¢s opinion but oneââ¬â¢s subjective tastes. Additionally, a generalization cannot be approached for this situation. Existentialism as whole, strives to reject the idea of a human nature obtained by the external objective truths that cannot be applied to the subjunctive self. Instead, humans are radically liberated by their free will in order to shape their own life and defy any generalized ââ¬Ënatureââ¬â¢. This is not seen in Gregorââ¬â¢s life or in Kafkaââ¬â¢s novel. Irregardless, the existentialist value must be factored in an argued due to the underlying tone of the philosophy throughout the novel. Moreover, this approach dictates the worldââ¬â¢s indifferent existence towards human beings. As possibly symbolized by Kafka where the household represents societyââ¬â¢s indifference to its people, the Samsa family never cared for Gregor as the universe does to society. The absurdist branch of existentialism is then clearly revealed throughout the novel. The absurd nature of the novel highlights Gregorââ¬â¢s quest for purpose, for which he has lost due to the worldââ¬â¢s indifference. It can only be here that existentialism can justify as an appropriate response. However, for some, this might not be a worthwhile approach due to the subjective nature of the mind. In conclusion, I remain indifferent to both sides due to the inability of existentialism to pinpoint whether or not this is appropriate. Human beings have free will, and this philosophy rejects the ideal of the objective truths of ââ¬Ëhuman natureââ¬â¢. The will may be affected by absurdist, but infinitely varying across the board.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Every Child Must Be Trained for the Future (Article with Examples)
Every child must be educated and equipped with the skills that will let him thrive in the economy of the future, said Education Minister Heng Swee Keat. While Singapore has built an education system admired for its high student achievement rates and top-notch teaching force, it must now align its system to cope with the fast pace of globalisation, technological change and innovation. The world economy will become even more complex and jobs do not have clearly defined boundaries, Mr Heng told an audience of 200 participants at the Singapore Conference here on Wednesday. Elaborating, he said that the line between manufacturing and services has blurred. And both are also overlaid with the digital economy, he added, noting for example that IT giant Apple sells ââ¬Ëan experience, not just a product'. On how technology is changing swiftly, he noted how the Human Genome Project, started in 1990, took 13 years and nearly US$4 billion to complete. But last month, a private company in California announced a machine that will map an entire genome for US$1,000 (S$1,250) in one day. A more complex economy means a greater variety of different jobs will exist, requiring a wide range of skills. Said Mr Heng: ââ¬ËHence, to prepare our students for the future, it is critical for us to have some notions of the variety and demands of the jobs of the future. The education system can then tailor the right skill sets for each individual. ââ¬ËNot all the jobs will require academic degrees. Indeed, in many areas, practical, hands-on skills are valued. ââ¬Ë He added that aligning education to industry needs as Singapore does with its universities, Institute of Technical Education and polytechnics will continue to be critical. But in whatever area, deep skills, high standards and strong motivation will be needed. ââ¬Ë A strong focus on science, technology, engineering and maths in education should be preserved, he said. Mr Heng also touched on the diversification of the school system over the last few years, explaining the need to create multiple pathways for students to excel. But this does not mean everyone gets to do the course of his choice, as the programmes are compe titive to ensure standards, he added. It is also critical to equip students with the basic knowledge and motivation to be lifelong and adaptable learners and have other 21st century skills such as information and communication know-how, critical and inventive thinking, and civil literacy and cross-cultural skills. Ultimately though, he said, the best policies alone are not enough. Ministry officials and school leaders must be clear about the principles and there must be ââ¬Ëfidelity of implementation'. All parts of the education system must support the policy implementation, including the teachers, parents and even the physical facilities of a school. Educators will remain key to the structure. ââ¬ËNo system of education can be better than its teachers,' he said. During his visit here over the past week, American officials have heaped praises on the Singapore education system and during the panel discussion following his speech, similar responses flowed. Panellist Linda Darling-Hammond, a Stanford University professor in education, said the US could learn from Singapore's teacher recruitment and development process. Praising the Singapore Government's policy of paying teachers ââ¬Ëtop dollar', she noted that by comparison, the US paid its teachers ââ¬Ëmuch, much less than other college graduates'. The deep cuts in education spending in the US, she warned, would leave the country behind while other countries like Singapore forged ahead with their investments in education. Co-panellist Joanne Weiss, chief of staff to US Education Secretary Arne Duncan and who visited Singapore schools last year, said she was impressed by the ââ¬Ëculture of continuous improvement' in education. ââ¬ËSingapore policymakers go out, identify the best practices and bring it back and adapt them to the context of the country. They then replicate them across the schools in the country. ââ¬Ë
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Lord of the rings Essays
Lord of the rings Essays Lord of the rings Paper Lord of the rings Paper Usually, when dealing with a piece of writing we will soon discover that reality influences it. What I mean is that the author is immerse in asocial, political, cultural and economic circumstances (within many other types of them) which will have a notorious effect on his production. It happens very often, I would say in most of the cases, that, conscious or unconsciously, personal experiences, ideologies and judgements have their way out from the writers mind through his work. Something that distinguishes The Lord of the Rings series is that this factual reference is very difficult to establish. From my point of view, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien manages to deal with issues that have to do with the deepest human nerve and its essence but without getting punctual so the novel becomes universally appealing and transcendental. This combination of an ample span but a profound sight makes for the admiration these books inspire. Love, loyalty, conflict between good and evil, friendship, pow er and many other aspects of human life are analysed through these pages and with such capability that one cant do anything but clap and admit that something great has derived from this mans work. They wont be changing for millennia so Tolkien has assured that even if civilisations pass, his work, unstained from history allegories, will remain interesting for people all around the globe. Although this feature might become also a major inconvenient when trying to give the text a thorough analysis given that it is more difficult to understand Tolkiens motivations and intentions a closer look to something critical in the novel as the creation of a parallel universe and to the writers greatest passion some conclusions can be made to get a nearer idea of Erus or Iluvatars making. What powerfully attracted my attention when Ifirst read the Lord of the Rings was the ability to give birth to a cosmos so plausible and
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Northern Renaissance of European Art
Northern Renaissance of European Art When we talk about the Northern Renaissance, what we mean is Renaissance happenings that occurred within Europe, but outside of Italy. Because the most innovative art was created in France, the Netherlands, and Germany during this time, and because all of these places are north of Italy, the Northern tag has stuck. Geography aside, there were some significant differences between the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance. For one thing, the north held on to Gothic (or Middle Ages) art and architecture with a tighter, longer grip than did Italy. (Architecture, in particular, remained Gothic until well into the 16th century) This isnt to say that art wasnt changing in the north - in many instances, it kept apace with Italian doings. The Northern Renaissance artists, however, were scattered about and few initially (very unlike their Italian counterparts). The north had fewer centers of free commerce than did Italy. Italy, as we saw, had numerous Duchies and Republics which gave rise to a wealthy merchant class that often spent considerable funds on art. This wasnt the case in the north. The only notable similarity between northern Europe and, say, a place like Florence, lay in the Duchy of Burgundy. Burgundys Role in the Renaissance Burgundy, until 1477, encompassed a territory from present-day middle France northward (in an arc) to the sea, and included Flanders (in modern Belgium) and parts of the current Netherlands. It was the only individual entity standing between France and the enormous Holy Roman Empire. Its Dukes, during the last 100 years it existed, were given monikers of the Good, the Fearless and the Bold. Although apparently, the last Bold Duke wasnt quite bold enough, as Burgundy was absorbed by both France and the Holy Roman Empire at the end of his reign. The Burgundian Dukes were excellent patrons of the arts, but the art they sponsored was different from that of their Italian counterparts. Their interests were along the lines of illuminated manuscripts, tapestries, and furnishings. Things were different in Italy, where patrons were more keen on paintings, sculpture, and architecture. In the broader scheme of things, the social changes in Italy were inspired, as weve seen, by Humanism. Italian artists, writers, and philosophers were driven to study Classical antiquity and explore mans supposed capacity for rational choice. They believed that Humanism led to more dignified and worthy humans. In the north, possibly in part because the north did not have works of antiquity from which to learn, the change was brought about by a different rationale. Thinking minds in the north were more concerned with religious reform, feeling that Rome, from whom they were physically distanced, had strayed too far from Christian values. In fact, as northern Europe became more openly rebellious over the authority of the Church, art took a decidedly secular turn. Additionally, Renaissance artists in the north took a different approach to composition than did Italian artists. Where an Italian artist was apt to consider scientific principles behind composition (i.e., proportion, anatomy, perspective) during the Renaissance, northern artists were more concerned with what their art looked like. Color was of key importance, above and beyond form. And the more detail a northern artist could cram into a piece, the happier he was. Close inspection of Northern Renaissance paintings will show the viewer numerous instances where individual hairs have been carefully rendered, along with every single object in the room including the artist himself, distantly inverted in a background mirror. Different Materials Used by Different Artists Finally, its important to note that northern Europe enjoyed different geophysical conditions than did most of Italy. For example, there are lots of stained glass windows in northern Europe partly for the practical reason that people living there have more need for barriers against the elements. Italy, during the Renaissance, produced some fabulous egg tempera paintings and frescoes, along with glorious marble statuary. Theres an excellent reason the north isnt known for its frescoes: The climate isnt conducive to curing them. Italy produced marble sculptures because it has marble quarries. Youll note that Northern Renaissance sculpture is, by and large, worked in wood.à Similarities Between the Northern and Italian Renaissances Until 1517, when Martin Luther lit the wildfire of Reformation, both places shared a common faith. Its interesting to note that what we now think of as Europe didnt think ofà itselfà as Europe, back duringà Renaissanceà days. If you had had the opportunity, at the time, to ask a European traveler in the Middle East or Africa where he hailed from, he likely would have answered Christendom regardless of whether he was from Florence or Flanders. Beyond providing a unifying presence, the Church supplied all artists of the period with a common subject matter. The earliest beginnings of northern Renaissance art are eerily similar to the Italianà Proto-Renaissance, in that each chose Christian religious stories and figures as the predominant artistic theme. The Importance of Guilds Another common factor that Italy and the rest of Europe shared during the Renaissance was the Guild system. Arising during the Middle Ages, Guilds were the best paths a man could take to learning a craft, be it painting, sculpture or making saddles. Training in any specialty was long, rigorous and comprised of sequential steps. Even after one completed a masterpiece, and gained acceptance into a Guild, the Guild continued to keep tabs on standards and practices amongst its members. Thanks to this self-policing policy, most of the money exchanging hands, when works of art were commissioned and paid for, went to Guild members. (As you might imagine, it was to an artists financial benefit to belong to a Guild.) If possible, the Guild system was even more entrenched in northern Europe than it was in Italy. After 1450, both Italy and northern Europe had access to printed materials. Though subject matter might vary from region to region, often it was the same, or similar enough to establish commonality of thought. Finally, one significant similarity that Italy and the North shared was that each had aà definite artistic center during the 15th century. In Italy, as previously mentioned, artists looked to the Republic of Florence for innovation and inspiration. In the North, the artistic hub was Flanders. Flanders was a part, back then, of the Duchy of Burgundy. It had a thriving commercial city, Bruges, which (like Florence) made its money in banking and wool. Bruges had cash aplenty to spend on luxuries like art. And (again like Florence) Burgundy, on the whole, was governed by patronage-minded rulers. Where Florence had the Medici, Burgundy had Dukes. At least until the last quarter of the 15th century, that is. Chronology of the Northern Renaissance In Burgundy, the Northern Renaissance got its start primarily in the graphic arts. Beginning in the 14th-century, an artist could make a good living if he was proficient in producingà illuminated manuscripts.à The late 14th and early 15th centuries saw illumination take off and,à in some cases, takeà overà entire pages. Instead of relatively sedate red capital letters, we now saw whole paintings crowding manuscript pages right out to the borders. The French Royals, in particular, were avid collectors of these manuscripts, which became so popular that text was rendered largely unimportant. The Northern Renaissance artist who is largely credited with developing oil techniques was Jan van Eyck, court painter to the Duke of Burgundy. Its not that he discovered oil paints, but he did figure out how to layer them, in glazes, to create light and depth of color in his paintings. The Flemish van Eyck, his brother Hubert, and their Netherlandish predecessor Robert Campin (also known as the Master of Flà ©malle) were all painters who created altarpieces in the first half of the fifteenth century. Three other key Netherlandish artists were the painters Rogier van der Weyden and Hans Memling, and the sculptor Claus Sluter. Van der Weyden, who was the town painter of Brussels, was best known for introducing accurate human emotions and gestures into his work, which was primarily of a religious nature. One other early Northern Renaissance artist that created a lasting stir was the enigmatic Hieronymus Bosch. No one can say what his motivation was, but he certainly created some darkly imaginative and highly unique paintings. Something that all of these painters had in common was their use of naturalistic objects within compositions. Sometimes these objects had symbolic meanings, while at other times they were just there to illustrate aspects of daily life. In taking in the 15th century, its important to note that Flanders was the center ofà the Northern Renaissance. Just as with Florence, at this same time, Flanders was the place that northern artists looked to for cutting edge artistic techniques and technology. This situation persisted until 1477 when the last Burgundian Duke was defeated in battle, and Burgundy ceased to exist.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Macbeth, compare and contrast with someone current Essay
Macbeth, compare and contrast with someone current - Essay Example She persuades Macbeth to kill the king so that he can ascend the throne. However, Macbeth is troubled by the fact that the Witches had also predicted that Banquo, Thane of Lochaber, would become the father of kings. So, one murder leads to others, and Banquo is also killed. Macduff-the Thane of Fife's-family is then murdered by Macbeth. Ultimately, Macbeth teeters on the edge of insanity, being haunted by Banquo's ghost, and his Lady has bouts of sleepwalking in which she talks of having blood on her hands. Macbeth is finally defeated and killed, a victim of his own unbridled ambition and refusal to temper it with ethicality. His unethical acts also arise as a result of his wife's collusion and open encouragement. Bill and Hillary are one of the most powerful couples of modern times. He was the President of the US for eight years (1993- 2001), and she the First Lady; if her attempt to become the President in 2008 meets with success, this would give them an indelible place in the history books-a couple who were at the helm of affairs in a country that plays a leading part in controlling world events-for 12 years or even more. Bill Clinton has had a successful political career, having been the Governor of Arkansas and later on the President of the US.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
ART WORLD Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
ART WORLD - Case Study Example I love games because they are sources of encouragement me and motivate me to be creative. Work interviewer: I may tend to agree with your opinion but, to a lesser extent. To a greater extent I would like to inform you that playing games alone does not provide all that our dreams and emotions recommend. Work provides most of the requirements for the prosperity of a society in all that the people aspire for. If I am to rate the playing of games, I would give it a third of fourth option on my priorities as what to do. I may advise one to engage into work. Work should at all times be viewed as the central most drivers to the societyââ¬â¢s prosperity. Therefore, work should always be perceived as the core determinant of development in any upright society. Getting time to work and express my personhood in the form of labour would be my greatest desire. Play Interviewer: What argument do you base your interests on/ do you understand the dynamism behind the contribution of the social inte gration and playing? Are you in a position to collect the best knowledge that you have on the idealistic side of work and its contribution to societal order as is currently done by playing? Work interviewer: The work place holds a lot of relevance to the social and mental growth of humans. At the work place one expects to meet people of diverse backgrounds from different sections in the world who posses diverse personalities. The forthright expectation would be that the recognition of peopleââ¬â¢s diversity will greatly enhance the manner and types of conversations I may engage myself into with the workmates around me. As such, I will be able to visualize myself among a group of people with similar intellectual capacities and with whom I may easily interact with. The interaction leads to acquisition of expertise and skills, diversely. Consequently, the exposure to the different work environment and various people of diverse origins gives one the ability to learn and variedly expl ore the social environments one works in. The attainment of this aspect greatly implies to the adoption of social learning techniques among personalities. The same also implies that there is a constant growth in proper mentalities needed to develop the societies (Van Laar & Diepeveen, 2013. p. 150). Play Interviewer: One cannot work continuously without taking commercial breaks/pauses to engage in other co-curricular activities such as playing games. Playing of games such as cricket and golf has been identified within the personality traits of intellectuals as tools for the satisfaction of their biological and social needs. This calls for deeper exploration anchored on great insights on the explicit aims and rules of playing a game, given all the accounts for the reactions in the body systems and the psychological output of playing. The internal structure of play is only contingently connected to its putative function. The main reason for this is that, through playing, can a person develop, and enhance their social developmental skills and capacities. Based on these facts, can you be able to outline and articulate the major aims and objectives of work with your reasoning and expression to the great passion derived from the comfort and satisfaction that working gives to you. Work interviewer: Work defines the relevance level of a personââ¬â¢s position to improve the society. The rationality in a person is determined by the ability to deliver the labour he possess to enhance the welfare of the entire society. If
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Multiculturalism Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Multiculturalism - Research Proposal Example Different people have addressed this topic but I have seen it important to address the topic and try to come with a remedy to ensure that people can embrace each otherââ¬â¢s cultural diversity. This will also prevent cultural profiling which is common among different people in the society. On the bid to address the issue, many writers have tried to project ways in which people can take advantage of the situation without allowing the division to creep in. According to Clarence Page a contributor in the Chicago Tribune, the way the issue is being addressed in the United States has left more rifts rather than proposing a reconciling strategy. Mathew Lynch writing about multiculturalism in schools notes that it is important to teach students at an early age how to embrace each otherââ¬â¢s diversity instead of profiling each other negatively based on their different cultures. He also adds that blending of the different cultures can be both a blessing and a curse according to the way that the issue will be addressed. Bafford adds that there is no harmonized American culture and so the people living there should show high levels of cultural tolerance. Responding to the issue of multiculturalism is the main issue as Valerie, an editor with the Los Angeles Times puts it. Th e education system should therefore address it to ensure that people embrace each otherââ¬â¢s uniqueness and different cultural orientation. The research will cover the topic in a different way to address the limitations of the previous researches and come up with a working model for the same. The research should also come up with recommendations and the relationship between multiculturalism and other social aspects that are evident in any given society. The leading question will be on ways to address
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Shifting Paradigms In The Non Aligned Movement Politics Essay
Shifting Paradigms In The Non Aligned Movement Politics Essay The concept of Non Aligned Movement or NAM is not a doctrine or a dogma. It is a process. It is a way of looking at issues in a particular way. It is against hegemony, against arm-twisting by the rich and the powerful. Non-alignmentà [1]à does not mean isolation or neutrality. It is an independent movement stressing that nations should follow their own policies without joining any of the power blocs (in the period when they had existed) and falling under their influence. A non-aligned nation judges each issue on its merits. In other words, non-alignment upholds the rights of all states to freedom and choice of action in the international field. One of the fundamental aspects of non-alignment is its antipathy to military alliances and opposition to any form of imperialism. The post Second World War period witnessed an era of awakening and rise of political and nationalist aspirations of subjugated people over the world. The centuries old phenomenon of colonialism started crumbling and finally gave way. Many new independent states came into existence in Asia and Africa after having thrown off the yoke of foreign domination. It was also a time when the cold war between the Soviet and the US blocs was getting intensified. The super powers tried to win over these newly independent countries to their respective blocs. But some of them abhorred the idea of submission to any of the super powers or for political inclination towards any of them. They wanted to pursue an independent foreign policy of their own rather than toeing the line of any power bloc. It was this strategy of not joining either of the two power blocs and following an independent foreign policy that came to be known as Non-alignment. The newly independent countries mostly in Asia and Africa had almost identical problems of economy, government, development, etc. and therefore they had many views in common on world affairs. These African and Asian countries thus sought to tackle their problems at a conference held at Bandung in Indonesia in 1955. Thirty Asian and African nations attended it. India, China and Indonesia played a leading role at this conference. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, the then prime minister of India, the then Chinese Prime Minister Chou-En-Lat and the then President Sukarno of Indonesia expressed complete identity of views. The impact of this conference was felt in the United Nations also. This was also the beginning of the Non-Aligned Movement. These Afro-Asian countries declared themselves neutralists. The epithet non-aligned was adopted at a subsequent conference held at Belgrade in 1961. SCOPE OF RESEARCH During the course of preparing the final submission, the student researcher has essentially tried in analyse the following primary research questions, namely: The extent to which the Non Aligned Movement has affected the world politics? Indias role concerning the Non Aligned Movement considering that it is one of the founding members and has recently emerged as a global economic superpower? The extent to which the current debate on the contemporaneous significance of Non Aligned Movement relevant? Measures can be taken to ensure that Non Aligned Movement emerges as a stronger force in current world politics? LIMITATION OF RESEARCH While trying to provide concrete answer to the research questions formulated above, the student researcher has intended to prepare this final research submission which is both explanatory and exploratory in scope. Also, the student researcher has intended to critically analyze the research question framed for the purpose of final research submission. In relation to the above, the student researcher has tried to present an overview of the Non Aligned Movement, historical evolution, its major contribution to global politics, pros and cons associated with the same, etc. through this final research submission. Also, the student researcher has tried to essentially compare Indias initiatives with that of the other countries of the world and examine the various measures adopted by them in strengthening the Non Aligned Movement. LIMITATION OF RESEARCH The student researcher submits that not much literature has been available on the same in the NUJS university library and other prominent libraries in Kolkata. Hence, the student researcher has relied on the electronic resources for completion of his final research submission. Also, this submission is, in no way, to be considered exhaustive and there shall be plenty of scope for further research. Having said this, the student researcher has tried, within his limited capabilities, to critically analyze the research questions framed for the purpose and present a value neutral submission. METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH Since the present submission offered no scope for empirical research, the research methodology adopted by the student researcher was entirely doctrinal. The student researcher has analysed the research questions by making a value neutral study of the same. In doing the same, the student researcher has not let his own opinion influence the research questions or the research as a whole, to the maximum extent possible. NON ALIGNMENT MOVEMENT ITS ORIGINS, IDEOLOGY AND A LITTLE MORE Those who were not with us were against us. Stalin A country must lean to be on one side or the other and a third path does not exist. Chinese Communist Supremo Mao The term non-alignment has a specific meaning. Many Western scholars mean by non-alignment, neutrality or neutralism only; but that might not be a correct interpretation. Schwarzenbergerà [2]à has suggested some related terms- isolationism, non-commitment, neutrality, neutralization, unilateralism and non involvement. Isolationism stands for policies of aloofness varying from the known isolation of the US before the First World War to postures of inoffensiveness in international affairs. Non commitment refers to politics of detachment for other powers in a triangular or multicorner relationship. Neutrality describes the political and legal status of a country at war, with respect to belligerents. Neutralization means a permanent neutral status of a particular state which it cannot give up under any circumstances, eg. Switzerland is a neutralized state. Unilateralism is identified with policies of calculated risks such as the destruction of own nuclear weapons at ones own instance . Non involvement means keeping away from the ideological struggle between the different super powers, though permitting a certain degree of flexibility when absolutely unavoidable. Non-alignment has a broader meaning than all the above mentioned terms and thus has a distinct character. It means a nation pursuing such a policy need not be neutral under all circumstances. Unlike neutrality, non alignment aims at keeping away but it keeps away not from a particular conflict or issue but from a persisting international tension like cold war. Since military alliances were an important aspect of cold war, non alignment naturally insisted on shunning from these alliances. It is, therefore, a foreign policy perspective that advocates freedom from commitment to any power bloc; it stresses on the independence of choice and action in external affairs. The policy of not aligning with any bloc, but at the same time being friendly to everyone, so that it might be feasible to have a moderating impact on international relations, came to be popularly known as non-alignment. It would enable a nation to judge each issue on merit and decide upon its course independently without be ing influenced by any commitment or bias. Non-alignment is neither a passive nor a negative policy. In so far as the negative appearance of the term non-alignment is concerned, it should be understood in the foreground of the ways of contemplating of Indian people who have expressed many positive and constructive ideas through negative expressions, such as Ahimsa and Apramad. As a positive concept it has several dimensions. It is natural that non-alignment should oppose certain values and at the same time promote some others which are in harmony with its basic orientation. The chief goals of the non-aligned movement in the fifties and the sixties were decolonization and the preservation of international peace. Of late, it has been contributing positively for attaining of a new international economic order and a new information order based on equity, justice, freedom and eradication of exploitation and dominance. It is positive since it strives for certain goals and values. As an activist and dynamic policy, it takes specific sides on the merits of each case. This implies issue bound tilts in non alignment are considered legitimate and the concept, therefore, does not imply equidistance from any of the existing superpowers. But at the same time, it also rejects the idea of natural allies recently coined to justify certain alliances of the non aligned states with certain powers. It is thus an active policy as it envisages an active role for the non aligned countries in the world affairs. For the sake of a more efficient and global lobbying power, 29 independent African and Asian countries met in the Indonesian city of Bandung between 18 and 24 April, 1955 with the aim of elaborating upon the principles of peaceful co-existence and creating the Dasa Sila Bandung (Bandungs Ten Principles).à [3]à None of them wanted to join any of the blocs, therefore, they chose non-alignment, which later on, first in Cairo, June 1961, then, in Belgrade, September 1961, was extended and formalised in the form of NAM. To quote Calvocoressi: The principal achievements of the Bandung Conference were that they had met and got to know one another (most of them were new to international politics); that they had laid the foundations for joint action at the United Nation and, through solidarity, increased their security, their status and their diplomatic weight in the world that they had attracted new men like Nasser to the group and made it bigger; that they were making the giant powers t ake them seriously and treat their policies as respectable.à [4]à Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda elaborated on the goodness of this concept in 1964 in these words: It is a determination to preserve independence, sovereignty, to respect such independence and sovereignty in such states and to decline to take sides in the major ideological struggles which rend the worldà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦. We will not hitch our carriage to any nations engine and be drawn along their railway line.à [5]à The criteria of non alignment determined as early as June 1961 at Cairo were: A country should follow an independent policy based on peaceful coexistence and non alignment, or should be showing a trend in favour of such a policy. It should consistently have supported movements for national independence. It should not be a member of multilateral military alliances concluded in the context of great power conflicts. If it has conceded military bases, these concessions should not have been made in the context of great power conflicts. If it is a member of a bilateral of regional deference agreement, this should not have been made in the context of great power conflicts. Another vital feature of Non-alignment is that it has been opposed not only to the two power blocs of power but also to the creation of a third bloc- the bloc of the Non aligned nations. The policy is not based on the desire to build up a third force or a third bloc. There is nothing like Indias Monroe Doctrine and there was nothing like Nehru Doctrine, behind Indian non alignment. The aim of non alignment is to build a third area of peace, an area which rejects war, cold war, alliances and supports peace in a a positive way and believes in cooperation. Non Aligned states have always opposed, and very successfully, the attempts to transform the group into a non aligned bloc. Non alignment is a movement but is not backed by any formal organisational structure or constitution. However, Indias effort to check institutionalization proved futile as in the Algiers Summit (1973)à [6]à it was decided to have a co ordination bureau within the host nation of each summit as the Chairman for the period between that summit to the next summit. The original strength of the Summit was 25 which was subsequently raised to 36. The Bureau meets at least once a year and deals with matters of common interest from time to time. It also takes decision regarding the next summit. It also seeks to strengthen cooperation and coordination among the member states inside the UN and help them in making united efforts for the realization of the goals of the non aligned movement. As per the Lusaka Conference (1970)à [7]à decision to hold non aligned summits at the interval of every three years, the same are held regularly since then. The Foreign Ministers of member states usually meet sometime before each summit mainly to prepare the agenda for the summit. These developments indi cate the growing institutionalization of non alignment is a reality and does not appear to be reversible. Some degree of permanence in structure and regularity in behaviour pattern have been injected into it. NON ALIGNMENT MOVEMENT AND THE INDIAN PERSPECTIVE In Volume 7 of Encyclopedia Britannica (Micropaedia Section) on page 380, there is an entry which is most revealing of the mind set of the West. The word Non-Alignment is no doubt mentioned. However, the reader is directed to see neutralism. And that is that.à [8]à India has been one of the founding members and one of the most voracious proponents of the theory of non- alignment. In fact, it is sometimes attributed solely to the initiatives of our first Prime Minister Mr. Jawahar Lal Nehru. Nehru was not only the architect of Indias non-aligned foreign policy but also played a major role in espousing the cause of the third-world countries. In the prevailing turbulent state of global affairs, charting a non-aligned foreign policy posed a big challenge and it was only due to the wisdom and skill of Nehru that he succeeded in doing so. The principles guiding the foreign policy of Indias interim government that was formed just prior to gaining independence was enunciated by Nehru on September 7, 1946. In a radio address, Nehru, who then headed the interim government, stated that India would not join groups of states that were aligned against each other but would strive to establish friendly relations with all countries. Nehru had already conceived of a closer association of the Asian countries for evolving a common foreign policy. During his visit to South-East Asian countries in March 1946, Nehru not only secured the support for his idea but also got the needed consent from leaders of Burma, Indonesia and so on for holding a conference for that purpose. At the 14th NAM Conference held in Havana in September 2006, the purposes and principles of NAM was reiterated in the Declaration on the Purposes and Principles and the Role of the Non-Aligned Movement in the Present International Juncture, which was adopted on September 16, 2006.à [9]à The Heads of State and Government of the member-nations of NAM also reaffirmed their political will to strengthen the Non-Aligned Movement. The Havana Summità [10]à also declared that one of the major Purposes of NAM in the present international situation was: To continue pursuing universal and non-discriminatory nuclear disarmament, as well as a general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control and in this context, to work towards the objective of arriving at an agreement on a phased program for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons within a specified framework of time to eliminate nuclear weapons, to prohibit their development, production, acquisition, testing, stockpiling, transfer, use or threat of use and to provide for their destruction. The Havana Summits reiteration that: it is imperative that the Movement continues to be in the front-line in the struggle to change and transform the present unjust international order, certainly did not go down well with the US administration, which perceives the revival and reactivation of NAM as an inherent threat to its interests. Addressing the 32nd Annual US-India Business Council meeting which was found to be an appropriate occasion to publicly convey to India that it should jettison NAM in Washington D C, on June 27, 2007, the US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, posed a seemingly innocent question: What is the meaning of non-alignment? Immediately after posing the question, the Secretary of State herself went on to declare: It has lost its meaningà [11]à Rice had prefaced her question with the following remarks: à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦in order to create a partnership for our future and to fully realise it, we are going to have to move past old ways of thinking and old ways of actingà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦. And I know that there are some who still talk about non-alignment in foreign policy. But maybe that made sense during the Cold War when the world really was divided into rival camps. The fact is, neither Rices dismissal of the relevance of Non-Alignment nor the memory lapse of many of those at the helm of affairs in the Indian government at present, can make the concept of Non-Alignment irrelevant. On the contrary, it is high time that the US administration moved past old ways of thinking and old ways of acting; the sooner the US abandoned militarism and eschewed belligerency, the better it would be for all humanity! However, the fact remains it is the signals the Indian government has been transmitting over the last few years by acting contrary to the aims and objectives of NAM that have emboldened the US administration to give a call to India to abandon NAM. In a damage control exercise, the government of India was forced to quickly reiterate its commitment to NAM.à [12]à However, the said Press Briefing by the spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs in response to Rices statement was so brief that it provides further proof that the government of India did not intend to pay literally nothing more than mere lip service to the cause of NAM. It would be a complete betrayal of the cause of NAM if the government of India, as one of the founding members, fails to take on the mantle of responsibility and play a leadership role in propagating the cause of NAM by acting in accordance with its principles and proceeding to fulfill its purposes. The government of Indias present disposition towards NAM does not appear to be too favourably placed. Contrary to the explicit declaration of Nehru in 1947 that We do not intend to be the play things of others, there are apparently quite a few at the helm of affairs in India today, who are not averse to India playing second fiddle to the United States. Some groundwork was undertaken for realizing Mahatma Gandhis vision of a One World in the form of the Action Plan for a Nuclear Weapon Free and Non-violent World, which Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi had placed before the UN General Assembly in 1988. However, after Rajiv Gandhis assassination in 1991, the government of India chose to tread in a different direction. Thus, Mahatma Gandhis counsel in 1947, that It is up to you to deliver the whole world, not merely Asia but deliver the whole world from that wickedness, from that sin [of war and destruction], remains unheeded. Only a vigilant and well-informed public and a strong and active m ass movement can force the government of India to pay heed to the eloquent advise of Gandhi and Nehru and compel it to uphold the tenets of NAM and act accordingly. HAS THE MOVEMENT LOST ITS RELEVANCE? A DISCUSSION IN THE LIGHT OF THE FORMAL END OF THE COLD WAR AND COLONISM The 58-Year old NAM has remained an object of immense applause as well as ruthless criticism throughout its existence. The US dubbed it as immoral and non sense. The Western Scholars despised the NAM ever since the latter was reckoned as an important factor in international politics. Notwithstanding this criticism, NAM remained a potent and powerful force in the cold war era. It took bold stands on issues affecting the newly independent and developing countries and was decidedly, a force that neither of the two super powers could afford to ignore. The NAM as a movement of the small, newly-independent and developing countries has been determined to carve out an independent path of development and not to remain an appendage of any colonizing power or superpower. This objective helped NAM in making a significant headway throughout the cold war era. The crusade against imperialism and racism met with greater success with large number of colonies the list of the UN and NAM as sovereign and Independent nation states. The economic concerns were related to the North- South great economic divide, dubious role of the international financial institutions, poverty and above all the vitality for a strong South-South cooperation. The search was for a New International Economic Order (NIEO) envisaging the restructuring of the global financial and monetary structure on just and equitable grounds. NAM played the role of cooling effect in ensuring global peace in the midst of cold war rivalry. NAM has been subjected to more ruthless criticism in the post-cold war period than in its long career. In the changed international scenario-the collapse of the former Soviet Union and the end of the cold war, the question has been posed as to whether NAM remains valid or not, it is often argued that since Non-alignment was born and brought up in the cold war context why should it not be renounced in the post-cold war world ? But there can be a counter question. The cold war is over. The War saw Pact has been dismantled, the Soviet Union has disappeared. Is the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) relevant? The non-aligned countries represent the will and voices of three-fourth humankind. In order to visualize its cherished goal the NAM needs to be especially innovative. The 21st century is for NAMs rebirth under new democratic philosophy. The 22 page, Declaration issued after the meeting of NAM Foreign Ministers, held at Accrais September 1991, entitled A World in Transition from Diminishing Confrontation Towards Increasing Cooperation emphasized that NAMs new focus must be on eradicating poverty, hunger, malnutrition and illiteracy and called on the international community to help. NAM supported the present efforts at strengthening the UN so as to render it, more democratic, effective and efficient. There was consensus among the Foreign Ministers for a bridging Agreement between NAM and the Group of 77 and proposed that a study should be made immediately of the modalities for reaching agreement between the two bodies for the introduction of a new system of periodic meetings of the joint coordination committee. The tectonic shifts in international relations over the last decade have challenged NAM to adopt itself to effectively tackle the new contemporary challenges. NAM should have a clear consensus on key issues of common concern to all of us. Multilateralism, reform of the UN system, global disarmament and combating global terrorism should be the political elements of this agenda. The collapse of Bipolarity and the rise of Unilateralism have given a unique cause to this developing body to strive for multilateralism in International relations. The issue of reforming the UN structure for a just world order has been going for long. The NAM should strive to restore the central role of the UN in the global economic issues, development and maintenance of peace and security in the world. Non-discriminatory, time-bound nuclear and general disarmament should be the objective towards which the movement should endeavour. The entire world today is facing a unique crisis in transnational terrorism, w hich is striking countrys political, economic and social edifice with immunity. The members within the NAM framework need to work out a realistic strategy to counter this danger in collaboration with the international community in a war footing. Perhaps the most important role for NAM today lies in framing a concrete economic agenda for a just and fair international economic order. The globalisation and liberalization trends worldwide have generated complex economic problems. The rich-poor divide has widened. The WTO rules and procedures have failed to provide adequate economic gains to the third world. WTO summits have failed to reach a consensus on many issues.à [13]à Its role in WTO negotiations to advance and protect the trading rights and opportunities of developing countries and in muscling up their negotiating position and skills would be the chief concern. It should strive to reform and reorient the globalization process through a strong developmental agenda. NAM has an effective role to play in this regard provided member countries try to see the benefits from a unified angle without any partisan considerations. South-South cooperation should become a major economic plank of the movement. Its role in the present century would be strengthened by more South-South cooperation, which would mean, by and large, collaboration between and among the NAM countries and defending their interests from fast expanding economic and technological power of the North. NAM should develop a progressive agenda on the fundamental values of democracy, Human rights and multiculturism. The preservation and consolidation of democracy throughout its membership is a major challenge. NAMs spectrum could be further enlarged with the increasing concern worldwide over environmental issues over green house gas emissions, health concerns especially AIDS, drug trafficking, rising instances of poverty and unemployment mostly within the NAM members and LDC countries, the rising digital divide between the rich and poor and fight against all shades of extreme, xenophobia, ethnic nationalism, regional wars. Non-alignment is a dynamic policy and retains its continuing relevance in world affairs by adapting itself to the changing international context and the needs of non-aligned community of nations. Peter Wiletts, another advocate of Non-alignment, holds the view that whether if will be a bipolar, multipolar or unipolar world, Non-alignment will have a place in it as an independent foreign policy. former Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao commented: The pursuit of nonaligned foreign policy is ever more relevant (today) than ever before. Nonalignment basically consists of the espousal of the right to nations to independence and development, regardless of the bloc phenomenon. Whether there is one bloc or more at a given moment, the urge for a nonaligned country would continue to be to maintain its independence, to take decisions according to its light, not tagging along itself, in advance to others . . . . . He went on to add Chimera of hegemony must not be pursued. On the other hand, introspection also needs to be done on account of the recent lackadaisical approach of the heads of many countries who have failed to appear for the Summits of NAM. A more dynamic agenda needs to be adopted and adhered to because there still exist a number of basic issues in the developing countries which need to be addressed at the earliest. Though there has been a formal end to the factors had originally led to the origins of the movement, yet the second and the third world nations find themselves grappling with a number of other issues which cannot be said to be any less significant.
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